What does it mean to be called? Who does the calling and who answers the call? Does the call go out to everyone and whoever answers is the "called" one? Or is the calling specific and unique as the person who answers it?
As you can imagine, I am referring to God's call upon his people and specific persons for specific purposes. God calls people groups, this is most clearly seen in the Israelites lives (Genesis 32). And God also calls specific people, which you can read about in the transformation of Saul to Paul (Acts 9).
Scripture also shares the wonderful news that Gentiles (you and I) are also welcome into God's family. We are called as a people! We are also called individually to very specific tasks that include The Great Commission and so much more according to our own talents and giftings.
I think there is something more you all need to be aware of that comes to you via the Reformed Tradition. I want you to watch a video after you are finished reading this. Once you have done that I want you to get really present to what God might be calling you to right now, in this very moment, for much hinges on your response to God's call. Will you answer as Isaiah did, "Here I am Lord, send me!" Or will you settle for mediocre?
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